Here is a work in progress that i am pretty excited about: I am videoing myself practicing (Zen)meditation for 30 minutes a day. The video (digital) is then transferred to an external harddrive for storage. The harddrive, with the video stored on it, is the final piece. I am using a Lacie brand designer (Niel Poulton) harddrive for its minimalist aesthetic. One of the things i am thinking about is the transformation of an action’s (or anything's) meaning when processed to a hyper-minimal state of existence. The use of Zen is interesting in that it is one of the major influences on minimalism to begin with, (i.e. John Cage), and still quoted persistently in minimalist design. To reduce a reductive process is to aim for a new nearness to Nothing. The image is of the harddrive (currently on a pedestal - this may be revised.) (As a sidenote, my benchmarks are measured in space (gigabytes), instead of time, and are 100GB, 250GB, and 500GB.)
interesting piece... I've been sitting zazen for the past year & a half or so. It's a nice manifestation of the creative impulse.