Wednesday, May 18, 2011

What? I thought I quit making Art!

New drawings - YAY!
I have been thinking a good deal lately about our relationship to the screen, and how it has changed over time. I don't have the concept clear yet, but it as something to do with our obsession with the glowing screen, possibly as a surrogate for the comfort and wonderment caused by fire. Fire is a multifaceted entity that could be thought of as natural or artificial, depending on how it was ignited. In that sense, I see these drawings as an extension of my installation work that focuses on the implications of human-initiated (artificial) light sources.
currently untitled ink and color pencil on parchment, 14x17 (2011)

currently untitled ink and color pencil on paper, 18x24 (2011)

currently untitled ink and color pencil on paper, 18x24 (2011)

currently untitled ink and color pencil on paper, 18x24 (2011)

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